ISO/IEC 17025 Calibration Certificate
Local Accreditations Of the Accuracy Calibration Certificate (ACC)
What: In 30+ countries, we offer locally accredited versions of the calibration certificates according to ISO/IEC 17025.
Why: All these versions are based on the ACC – and therefore have the same calibration procedure, easily understandable graphs and all the other benefits of the ACC – but come in local languages and with the approval and logo of the local accreditation bodies. Therefore, the ACC is a truly global calibration certificate.
Who: Ask your local METTLER TOLEDO representative to find out more or to get a local certificate sample.
The ACC Certificate is covered under ISO/IEC 17025 scope of accreditation as calibration activity. It is currently granted by the following accreditation bodies and used in the following countries and regions:
- Australia (NATA, 11629)
- Austria (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Belgium (BELAC, 156-CAL)
- Brazil (INMETRO, CAL 0417)
- Canada (A2LA, 1788.01 and 1902.01)
- China (CNAS, L7532)
- Croatia (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Czech Republic (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Denmark (DANAK, Reg. No 369)
- Germany (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Hungary (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- India (NABL, CC-2523)
- Indonesia (KAN, LK 260 IDN)
- Japan (IAJapan, JCSS 0077)
- Malaysia (Standards Malaysia, SAMM 234)
- Mexico (EMA, UVIM 198)
- Netherlands (RvA, K 016)
- New Zealand (IANZ, 1331)
- Norway (SWEDAC, 1063)
- Poland (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Singapore (SAC, LA-2005-0329-C)
- Slovakia (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Slovenia (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Spain (ENAC, 61/LC10.038)
- Sweden (SWEDAC, 1063)
- Switzerland (DAkkS, D-K-19120-01-00)
- Thailand (TISI, 0062)
- Turkey (TURKAK, AB-0112-K)
- United Kingdom (UKAS, 0433)
- United States (A2LA, 1788.01 and 1902.01)
- Vietnam (BOA, VILAS 1431)
More accreditation bodies will be added with time.